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Bitterley C of E  Primary School

Morville C of E Primary School

A school. A family. Growing and flourishing together.

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School Clubs


Morning Club

School offers childcare provision from 7.45 a.m. every morning. Children arriving before 8.15 a.m. may have breakfast in school. Children are supervised by a member of staff until the school day begins at 8.50 a.m.



After-School Clubs & Activities

A range of after-school clubs are offered throughout the year until 4.30p.m, after which your child may remain in school until 5 p.m. supervised by a member of staff. A charge is made to participate in these activities.

A list of after-school activities can be obtained from the School Office.

All clubs should be booked online through School Money.



Charging Policy

For visits and activities during the school day, voluntary contributions from parents will be sought. In many cases such visits will be subsidised by the school, but the suggested parental contributions are required in order for the visits or activity to take place. As a last resort, the visit or activity may have to be cancelled if there are not enough voluntary contributions and the short fall cannot be made up.