Vision and Aims
Our School Development Plan
As a church aided school we believe we offer a distinctive education with spirituality, moral values and academic excellence at the heart of the school. We aim to nourish, encourage and challenge the children in our care. We are a happy school.
Mission Statement for Morville Primary School
‘Our Christian school offers a unique rural setting that provides exceptional opportunities to promote individual learning. We nurture the development of our children’s academic, physical, spiritual & emotional needs within a family and community environment.’
Educating for Wisdom, Knowledge and Skills
Good schools foster confidence, delight and offer structure in seeking wisdom, knowledge, truth, understanding, know-how, and the skills needed to shape life well. They nurture academic habits and skills, emotional intelligence and creativity across the whole range of school subjects and what one needs to understand and practise in order to be a good person, citizen, parent, employee, team or group member, or leader.
Educating for Hope and Aspiration
Good schools open up horizons of hope and aspiration, and guide pupils into ways of fulfilling them. They also cope wisely when challenges are presented.
Educating for Community and Living Well Together
Whatever our circumstances we are each called to responsibility towards others and to contribute responsibly to our communities and so education needs to have a core focus on relationships and commitments, participation in communities and institutions, and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.
Educating for Dignity and Respect
Human dignity, the ultimate worth of each person, is central to good education. The basic principle of respect for the value of each person involves continual discernment, deliberation and action, and schools are one of the main places where this happens, and where the understanding and practices it requires are learned.
- To stimulate every pupil to develop fully his or her abilities, by providing relevant learning experiences.
- To encourage a love of learning and the development of lively and enquiring minds
- To develop the capacity for original thinking, and to grow in independence, self-confidence and responsibility.
- To provide a stimulating and enriching curriculum that will promote each pupil’s creative, mathematical, linguistic, ethical and social development.
- To create an ethos within school, which is both caring and collaborative, encouraging the notion of a learning partnership between home and school.
- To foster the integrated nature of the school within the wider community.
- To provide a stable, exciting and attractive environment, reflecting good discipline conducive to work.
- We expect and require our children to be polite and well behaved.
- To establish an organisation that is capable of delivering the National Curriculum efficiently to all children regardless of ability, race, sex or religion.
- To ensure that our school is a special place in which positive aspects of everyone’s personalities are allowed to shine through and allow each individual to achieve to their full potential.